It should be interesting to see the Government's argument to retain the law. Possibly the Government might argue that criminalizing this practice might reduce STD and AIDS in the society. Surprisingly the NGO's and other human rights organizations also quote the same reason for scrapping the law, along with the recogonition to these people in the society.
Irrespective of whether the law will increase HIV awareness and prevent AIDS or not, the question here is whether is it right to criminalize an induvidual based upon his\her sexual orientation ?
I dont feel it is OK to criminalize some one based upon their sexual orientation. Irrespective of whether it is against natural order, moral ethics or causing health issues, i dont think it is OK to brand them as criminals.
Rather than defending the current law, the Government and Health Ministry can seriously think about scrapping the current law and enact new laws to recogonize such practices and insist on monogamy among them. This might have a positive impact on their relationship as well as in the health issues of the society.